
Monday, October 25, 2010

Nestle - Positively Coffee

Nescafé Positively Coffee, demonstrated our efforts to educate people of the intrinsic benefits in coffee; coffee naturally contain antioxidants. We managed to create a more positive image for Nescafé, and this ultimately led to a significant increase in sales.

What was our strategic communications challenge? 
Coffee has become the new whipping boy of the medical fraternity. The ill effects of coffee range from migraines to heart palpitations.  For the lay person on the street, there is such a thing as too much coffee. So much so that we are seeing growth plateau. And the only way we are likely to see growth is to take this problem head on. And that was our strategic challenge for Nescafé; to create public awareness of the intrinsic benefits of coffee and allay some of the fears that people have started associating with coffee.

What were our campaign objectives?
Campaign objective #1: To create a positive image for coffee, and ultimately Nescafé

Campaign objective #2: Increase consumption of Nescafé.

What was our big idea? 
Anti-oxidants are good you. Coffee naturally contains anti-oxidants. 

How did we arrive at the big idea? 
In order to let people enjoy coffee, we have to take the away the guilt they feel every time they pour themselves a cup.

We ran a few studies and we discovered there was low awareness of benefits of antioxidant. Plus, antioxidants were more commonly associated with other products such as tea, fruits and vegetables. But there was a positive reaction from people when told that coffee naturally contains antioxidants.

How did we bring the idea to life? 
We planned and set a clear path to success:-

Create Awareness Through Education
The general public had almost zero knowledge of antioxidants in coffee, and it was only appropriate that we start the campaign with education and comprehension on antioxidants in general.

It first started at an unbranded level, where P.R. activities were extensively engaged; press releases/articles, professional speakers for media briefings.
We collaborated with the Nutrition Society of Malaysia for one of these events, where our intentions at this point were to educate people on coffee, and to give them a wider view to quash their negative perceptions.

Our next step was to bring Nescafé into the picture, where we ran a series of advertisements (on TV, print, radio) featuring renowned celebrity Maya Karin. Her popularity and wide appeal was instrumental in reaching out to the wider Malaysian community.

In order to reinforce the message of healthy coffee, we held on ground activities where our in store promoter gets to chat with patrons on the benefits of coffee while serving up samples.

While all of the above was happening, our packaging took an additional antioxidant logo, again to reinforce the message of healthy coffee.

How do we know it worked? 
All our KPIs were exceeded!

(Source: Millward Brown brand health tracker)

Most importantly, our sales in modern trade actually increased by 13% in 2009!  
(Source: Client internal data)

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